So I am returning to Art :)

After many years not doing what I really love, I have decided to return to art. I miss it very much and it is something I believe I can be good at. If I do not spend my life doing art then it is a waste of a life.

I have not been very active in art since about 2003 when I started looking for different jobs to earn money. I have tried getting in to IT and gained Professional status, I have been a Quality Professional in Manufacturing areas & Distribution (ISO9001 etc) – It is hard to find the time for Arts when studying other subjects and working every day.

I have studied and gained extensive qualifications in various areas since leaving art college, but I am not passionate about any of them like I am about Art. I always felt a burning desire I should be doing something else in life.

So to start me off I decided to draw my Brother in Law ‘Brian Hazzard’ 🙂 – and I am wondering, how do some of these artists do their shading of skin tones? – because I can not do it! I make people look old lol – no matter how hard I am trying. I will do some research in to this for sure!

So here is my first drawing in a few years, took a few hours to do 😉 – tbh I was pleased with it!

